Monthly Archives: April 2015

How to Install a NUC

You’ve taken the classes, bought/built the hive components, and now it’s time to pick up your bees! Nucleus hives (nucs) are a great way to start your first hive. The nuc contains 3 to 5 frames of bees with a proven queen, lots of bees, and frames filled with brood, […]

Allergic Reactions to Bee Stings

Contributed by Ellen Wright It seems that whenever a community discusses urban beekeeping, the overriding concern is the fear of being stung by a bee, and the possibility that the sting might be deadly. The data on the true risk of a deadly allergic reaction to an insect bite gives overwhelming […]

Why Do Farmers Grow GMO Crops?

Why do some farmers choose to grow GMO crops? Contributed by Dewey Caron Genetically modified crops – do you believe they are “good” for agriculture or are “bad” for us? Maybe you believe Monsanto and other big ag companies force farmers to use GMO seeds and then lose money because they unnecessarily […]