Oregon Master Beekeeper Program

The Oregon Master Beekeeper Program represents a cooperative effort between Oregon State University and the Oregon State Beekeepers Association to contribute to both the health of honey bee colonies and the integrity of the practice of beekeeping throughout the region.

The Master Beekeeper program emphasizes practical experience in beekeeping. Apprentice level beekeepers will be paired with a local mentor for hands-on experience during the four bee seasons during the first year. Apprentice beekeepers do not need to own their own hive.

Primary objectives of the OR Master Beekeeper program are:

  • Increase beekeepers’ knowledge and understanding of honey bees and beekeeping
  • Encourage ongoing education of beekeepers at all levels
  • Increase public awareness of honey bees and beekeeping
  • Encourage mentorship and outreach
  • Support best-management practices and consistency in beekeeping practice
  • Provide opportunities for training and hands-on experience
  • Provide an objective means for an individual to evaluate his/her own progress and level of expertise
  • Encourage membership in and support of state and local beekeeper associations

The Apprentice Beekeeper is the first level of certification in the Oregon Master Beekeeper Program. This level is designed to give those just starting in beekeeping solid information and support, with the goal of increasing retention of new beekeepers as they develop confidence in their ability to keep bees.

Visit the Oregon Master Beekeeper Program for more information.